SPARC would like to extend our congratulations to the third cohort of Open Education Leadership Fellows on their graduation! The class of 27 represents SPARC member libraries from 17 states and provinces, and includes a diverse range of backgrounds and experience levels. The full cohort attended the 16th Annual Open Education Conference in Phoenix, AZ in October 2018, and completed their capstone projects in June 2020.
2019-2020 SPARC Open Education Leadership Fellows
- Angela Perkins, Lafayette College
- Ariela McCaffrey, Connecticut College
- Beth Rugan Shepard, University of South Alabama
- Bobby Bothmann, Minnesota State University, Mankato
- Ching-Jung Chen, City College of New York
- Christine Faraday, Nassau Community College
- Dawn (Nikki) Cannon-Rech, Georgia Southern University
- Helen McManus, Northern Virginia Community College
- Jamie Hazlitt, Loyola Marymount University
- Jennifer Beamer, The Claremont Colleges
- Joe Askins, University of Missouri
- Judith Thomas, University of Virginia
- Julie Reed, Central Piedmont Community College
- Justin Kani, IUPUI
- Karla Fribley, Earlham College
- Kellam Ayres, Middlebury College
- Kimberly Davies-Hoffman, University of Rochester
- Lisa Anderson, Muskegon Community College
- Lisa Louis, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
- Marisa Petrich, University of Washington Tacoma
- Maura Valentino, Central Washington University
- Michael L. Porter, Lawson State Community College
- Michelle Beechey, SUNY OER Services
- Sarah Shujah, University of Toronto
- Sonya Lockett, University Arkansas Pine Bluff
- Teri Koch, Drake University
- Tracy Stout, Missouri State University
2019-2020 SPARC Open Education Leadership Mentors
- Abbey Elder, Iowa State University
- Amanda Larson, Penn State University
- Anali Maughan Perry, Arizona State University
- Anita Walz, Virginia Tech
- Anna Newman, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Ariana Santiago, University of Houston
- Boyoung Chae, WA SBCTC
- Camille Thomas, Florida State University
- Carrie Gits, Austin Community College
- Christopher Hollister, University at Buffalo
- Hillary Miller, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Jeff Gallant, University System of Georgia
- Jeanne Hoover, East Carolina University
- Jill Hallam-Miller, Bucknell University
- Jillian Maynard, Central Connecticut State University
- Julia Rodriguez, Oakland University
- Lauren Ray, University of Washington Libraries
- Michael Whitchurch, Brigham Young University
- Regina Gong, Michigan State University Libraries
- Stephanie Quail, York University
- Steven Bell, Temple University
- Tanya Spilovoy, WICHE