Open Education Leadership Program 2022-2023

Angela Boyd

Angela Boyd is an Instruction / OER librarian at San Diego Miramar College. She is on the Student Textbook Affordability Committee (STAC) which brings folks from across 4 colleges together to collaborate on initiatives connected to UDL,  online learning, OER, and ZTC. At her campus, she works with faculty to discover, adopt, and implement OER in their courses. She helps run the FLOC OER, one branch of the Faculty Learning Online Community, where faculty enroll in a Canvas course to learn about OER and best practices. Her professional and research interests focus on the intersection between racial, social, and economic justice, the California community colleges, and OER/ZTC.

For her capstone project, Angela will examine the history of the college textbook publishing industry and the economics of textbook pricing. Her findings will be published as a canvas module.

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