
Negotiation Planning Part 3

Approximate time to complete: 4-5 hours total. About 2 hours to review the material and 2-3 hours to complete the activity.

Learning objectives:

After completing this lesson you will be able to:

  • Find vendor information including financial information and publicly available pricing data.
  • Understand how to interpret financial information in order to predict the zone of possible agreement (ZOPA) during negotiations.

Table of Contents:


Review the following video content in order, since the content builds. Videos are provided through YouTube. The notes in the PowerPoint slides correspond with the transcript of the videos.

REVIEW: Resources


Check Your Understanding Quiz

Take this short quiz to check your understanding of ideas presented in the videos. Feel free to go back and review the videos as needed.

REVIEW: Application within Libraries

DO: Research a Vendor

These exercises are also found in the Foundations Workbook (docx download, PDF download).

Exercise 1: Finding Vendor Annual Reports & 990s.

Exercise 2: Finding financial information in the annual report and 990 of a non-profit publisher.

DO: Negotiation Journal Reflection

When reviewing the materials in this lesson, what did you find that was particularly interesting? How does understanding financial trends within the publishing industry, as well as for a company help you approach negotiations? After completing this lesson do you feel more comfortable with finding and evaluating financial information? Why are you more comfortable or less comfortable? 

Helpful Tools & Readings

Group Activities & Discussion

If the curriculum is being completed by a group these activities can help the group learn together. (docx download) (pdf download)

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