Popular Resources

Campus Open Access Policies

Open Access

Many institutions have taken action on ensuring that research originating from their campus is accessible as possible. If you are considering a campus open-access policy, or already have one in development, SPARC can help. SPARC has coordinated with open-access policy leaders and experts to develop these resources to support data-driven, community-engaging, and successful open-access policy development at institutions everywhere. Please explore and let us know how we can support you.

If You Are Considering a Campus Open Access Policy

The Internet has brought unparalleled opportunities for expanding the availability of research by bringing down economic and physical barriers to sharing. To take advantage of these opportunities and to further their mission of creating, preserving, and disseminating knowledge, many academic institutions are taking steps to capture the benefits of Open Access policies to ensure broad distribution of faculty scholarly articles and other research outputs.  If such a policy is under discussion on your campus, it is essential that you have timely, accurate information about the reasons for adopting an open-access policy, and the mechanics for how such a policy would operate. SPARC has a full suite of resources to help you get started with developing a Campus Open Access Policy.

If You Have Initiated A Campus Open Access Policy

If your campus has already implemented an Open Access Policy, questions may still linger. Some faculty members or administrators may be unfamiliar with all aspects of Open Access, or how the policy might impact their work. You may also have questions about the ongoing implementation of the policy, or on how an existing policy might be fine-tuned over time. SPARC has resources available to help. Also visit The Coalition for Open Access Policy Institutions (COAPI) to learn more about what others are doing.


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