Saturday, March 3, 2018       Events

Open Data Day 2018

  ·  Worldwide Open Data

Open Data Day is an annual celebration of open data all over the world. For the seventh time in history, groups from around the world will create local events on the day where they will use open data in their communities. It is an opportunity to show the benefits of open data and encourage the adoption of open data policies in government, business and civil society.


Saturday, March 3rd, 2018

Thursday, January 1, 1970       Events

Elsevier acquisition highlights the need for community-based scholarly communication infrastructure

  ·   Open Access   ·   Open Data


Thursday, January 1st, 1970

Saturday, November 11, 2017 - Monday, November 13, 2017       Events

OpenCon 2017

  ·  Berlin, Germany Open Access   ·   Open Data   ·   Open Education

Hosted by SPARC and the Right to Research Coalition, OpenCon 2017 will convene the next generation of leaders in Berlin, Germany on November 11-13 to advance openness in research and education. Attendance at OpenCon is by application only.


Harnack House
Ihnestraße 16-20, 14195
Berlin, Germany


Saturday, November 11th, 2017

SPARC and the Right to Research Coalition, in partnership with the Max Planck Society, are excited to host OpenCon 2017 on November 11-13 in Berlin, Germany at the Max Planck Society’s Harnack House.

OpenCon is more than a conference. It’s a platform for the next generation to learn about Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data, develop critical skills, and catalyze action toward a more open system for sharing the world’s information—from scholarly and scientific research, to educational materials, to digital research data. OpenCon 2017 is at the center of a growing community of thousands of students and early career academic professionals from across the world working to create an open system for research and education.

OpenCon brings together the most energetic, engaged students and early career academic professionals—regardless of their ability to cover travel costs. Because of this, attendance at OpenCon is by application only, and the majority of past participants have received travel scholarships.

Applications to attend OpenCon 2017 in Berlin, Germany will open from June 27th through August 1st. For more information about the conference and to sign up for updates, visit

OpenCon 2017’s three-day program will begin with two days of keynotes, panels, and interactive workshops. OpenCon places an emphasis on highlighting diverse, early career voices, while complementing them with leading experts, such as Jimmy Wales (Co-founder of Wikipedia), Amy Rosenbaum (Director of Legislative Affairs to US President Barack Obama), and Julia Reda (Member of the European Parliament). The third day will feature an all-day “do-a-thon,” where participants have the opportunity to craft new campaigns, lay the foundations for new resources, and form collaborations that will continue long after the November conference is over.

Organized by the Right to Research Coalition and SPARC, OpenCon 2017 builds on the success of the first three OpenCon conferences, which collectively convened approximately 500 participants from 80 countries. In addition, OpenCon’s unique structure has supported 70 satellite events, enabling over 4,100 attendees across 32 countries to participate in an in-person OpenCon event. Throughout the year, hundreds of these individuals remain engaged through monthly community calls, regular webcasts, and a very active community discussion list. To learn more about OpenCon’s theory of change and the impact of the OpenCon community, click here to download the newly released OpenCon Community Report.

Satellite events will continue to be central to the success of OpenCon in allowing the community to scale. OpenCon satellite events are independently hosted meetings that mix content from the main conference with live presenters to localize the discussion and bring the energy of an in-person OpenCon event to a larger audience. These events are an excellent way to discover those interested in Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data within your community, build support, and catalyze action. If you or your organization are interested in hosting a satellite event, more information is available at

The OpenCon conference and community are only possible with the support of leading organizations with a strong commitment to support student and early career academic professional involvement across Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data. We deeply appreciate the support of our past sponsors, including the Max Planck Society, PLOS, the Laura and John Arnold Foundation, eLife, BioMed Central, SpringerOpen, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Wikimedia Foundation, Overleaf, Microsoft Research, Figshare, Creative Commons USA, and the more than 30 universities and organizations that have sponsored individual scholarships. If your organization is interested in supporting OpenCon, you can find more information and a variety of sponsorship opportunities at

Thursday, January 1, 1970       Events

OpenCon Issues Report Focused on Designing Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Events

  ·   Open Access   ·   Open Data   ·   Open Education


Thursday, January 1st, 1970

Thursday, January 1, 1970       Events

University of Pennsylvania’s Data Refuge Project

  ·   Open Access   ·   Open Data


Thursday, January 1st, 1970

Thursday, June 15, 2017       Events

Scrappy Strategies: Advancing Open on Campus with Limited Resources

2pm EDT / 11am PDT  ·  Webcast Open Access   ·   Open Data   ·   Open Education

This webcast will focus on identifying actions with the highest return on investment for advancing Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data / Data Management on campus. Presentations by Anita Walz (Virginia Tech), Brianna Marshall (University of California, Riverside), and Micah Vandegrift (Florida State) will equip participants with strategies and suggestions for maximizing the impact of the time they devote to advancing open issues—even if time and supporting resources are limited.


Thursday, June 15th, 2017


2pm EDT / 11am PDT

On June 15th at 2pm EDT / 11am PDT, SPARC will host the first in a series of webcasts supporting professional development for librarians working to advance openness in research and education on their campuses. The June webcast, “Scrappy Strategies: Advancing Open on Campus with Limited Resources,” will focus on identifying actions with the highest return on investment for advancing Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data / Data Management on campus. Presentations by Anita Walz (Virginia Tech), Brianna Marshall (University of California, Riverside), and Micah Vandegrift (Florida State) will equip participants with strategies and suggestions for maximizing the impact of the time they devote to advancing open issues—even if time and supporting resources are limited.
These presentations will be followed first by short, invited reactions from librarians who are interested in implementing the presenters’ suggestions, and then by an open Q&A session. To round out the discussion, SPARC will host a subsequent Twitter chat, at a date to be announced during the webcast, for participants to discuss how they’ve fared in putting the presenters’ suggestions into action.
Registration for this professional development webcast series is open to all librarians. You can register for the June 15th webcast here and sign up for updates on future professional development webcasts in this series here. A recording of the webcast will be sent to those registered.
Thursday, January 1, 1970       Events

SPARC to launch new webcast series on June 15 with “Scrappy Strategies: Advancing Open on Campus with Limited Resources”

  ·   Open Access   ·   Open Data   ·   Open Education


Thursday, January 1st, 1970

Thursday, January 1, 1970       Events

OpenCon 2017 to be Held in Berlin, Germany on November 11-13; Applications Open June 27

  ·   Open Access   ·   Open Data   ·   Open Education


Thursday, January 1st, 1970

Wednesday, June 14, 2017 - Saturday, June 17, 2017       Events

American Theological Library Association Annual Meeting

  ·  Atlanta, Georgia Open Access   ·   Open Data   ·   Open Education

Heather Joseph will be offering the closing plenary address on June 17

The theme for this year's conference is 'The Human Touch in the Digital Age'


Wednesday, June 14th, 2017

For more information on this event, please visit their website at

Monday, May 8, 2017 - Wednesday, May 10, 2017       Events

Confederation of Open Access Repositories Annual Meeting

  ·  Venice, Italy Open Access   ·   Open Data

Shawn Daugherty will be representing SPARC at this meeting.

The major theme for this year’s Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) meeting will be next generation repositories. The meeting will focus on strategies for positioning the international network of repositories as the foundation of a global knowledge commons. The meeting will provide participants with the opportunity to learn about international trends in repositories, open access and open science, as well as engage with colleagues from around the world and pursue collaborative projects with international partners.


Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice


Monday, May 8th, 2017

For more information on this event, please visit their website at

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