Friday, February 7, 2014 News

Open Education Week Webcast now online!

Open Education

Webcast: Open Education Week on Campus from SPARC on Vimeo.

Open Education Week will take place on March 10-15, 2014. In a similar fashion to Open Access Week, participants across the world will organize events, share resources, produce videos, and take action to celebrate the benefits of free and open sharing in education.

SPARC is expanding its work to include Open Educational Resources (OER), which are are teaching, learning, and research resources that either reside in the public domain or carry a license that permits their free use, sharing and adaptation by all users. From textbooks to course materials, videos to software, journals to digital collections, SPARC supports the creation and sharing of open materials and promotes practices and policies that advance this vision.

The purpose of this webcast is to provide ideas for how to celebrate Open Education Week on campus. Our three speakers will provide practical tips and advice, so that participants will walk away ready to hold successful events.

  • Mary Lou Forward, Executive Director of OpenCourseWare Consortium: Open Education Week is founded and organized by OCWC. Mary Lou will provide background on the importance of Open Education Week and the various resources and publicity tools that are available through
  • Ethan Senack, Higher Education Associate with U.S. PIRG: Open Education Week is a perfect time to partner with student organizations to get the word out about open education. An experienced student organizer, Ethan will provide tips and examples of ways that SPARC members can effectively engage students on campus.
  • Nicole Allen, OER Program Director for SPARC: In addition to moderating the webcast, Nicole will provide an overview of the resources that SPARC will provide to support on campus activities, including materials and speaker recommendations.

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