Steering Committee

Willa Liburd Tavernier

Research Impact & Open Scholarship Librarian, Indiana University, Bloomington (Voting)

Willa Liburd Tavernier is the Research Impact & Open Scholarship Librarian at Indiana University, Bloomington. She manages the research impact program which supports schools, departments, faculty and graduate students in tracking and demonstrating the impact of scholarly work, and the open access publishing support program. Willa has a record of service to the library profession with NASIG, the Library Publishing Coalition and ACRL, as well as service at the state and campus level including active involvement in mentoring students during her time at IU Bloomington for which she has been recognized with two awards. Her research interests are in equitable, trustworthy and participatory knowledge production.

Willa holds degrees and certificates from the University of Iowa School of Library and Information Science and School of Education, American University Washington College of Law, Norman Manley Law School, and the University of the West Indies at Cave Hill Faculty of Law.

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