Torsten Reimer is the University Librarian and Dean of the University Library at the University of Chicago where he is developing a strategic vision to redefine the Library’s role within the global knowledge ecosystem. Torsten recently joined the University of Chicago from the British Library (BL), where he led the content and research services department. In this role, he was the BL’s strategic lead for open science, including oversight of the UK DataCite consortium and the national e-theses repository EThOS. Torsten also launched a new multi-tenancy repository service through which the BL supports the UK cultural sector in the transition to open. In previous roles, Torsten developed open access and research data services at Imperial College London and managed the research infrastructure program at Jisc, the UK’s digital service provider for higher and further education. He was a member of the UK’s national Open Access Coordination Group, founded a network of open access practitioners from across the London universities, and was co-founder of UKSCL, a partnership of UK universities for rights retention to scholarly works. Torsten’s background is in history, digital humanities and scholarly communication, working at King’s College London and the University of Munich (LMU). He holds an MA and PhD in history from LMU. Torsten is currently Vice Chair of Open Repositories, Vice Chair of the IvyPlus Library Confederation, and a member of the executive board at DataCite and the US Repository Network steering group.