The SPARC/COAPI Charleston Pre-conference will allow participants to learn about developing and implementing campus-wide open access policies, the impact of such policies, and how participants across the library spectrum can play a role in the success of campus open access policies.
Please join SPARC and COAPI for a Charleston Preconference
Campus Open Access Policies:
The Importance of Being Open, Earnestly
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
1:00pm – 4:00pm
These sessions will allow participants to learn about developing and implementing campus-wide open access policies, the impact of such policies, and how participants across the library spectrum can play a role in the success of campus open access policies.
Session A: Open Access Policies and Library/Publisher Collaboration for Mutual Success
This session will explore the importance of campus open access policies and how librarians and publishers are working together to bring more scholarly literature to the world. Delivered in the form of question-led panel discussion, this session will demonstrate ways in which librarians and publishers – open access and traditional -- can work together on mutually agreed-upon goals in a productive manner, while ensuring campus open access policies are able to meet the goals their universities have set for greater access to institutional scholarship.
Panelists include:
- Ellen Duranceau, Program Manager for Scholarly Publishing, Copyright & Licensing, MIT
- Laura Bowering Mullen, Behavioral Sciences Librarian and Co-Chair, Rutgers Open Access Policy Implementation Working Group, Rutgers
- Dave Scherer, Scholarly Repository Specialist, Purdue e-Pubs, Purdue
- Julie Kimbrough, Clinical Assistant Professor of Law and Assistant Director for Collections and Access, UNC Chapel Hill
- Nandita Quaderi, Publishing Director, Open Research, Nature Publishing Group
- Elizabeth Marincola, CEO, PLoS
Moderated by: Andrew Wesolek, Clemson University and Shawn Daugherty, SPARC
Session B: The Library Role in Supporting and Implementing Campus Open Access Policies
This session will offer a brief introduction to Open Access Workflows for Academic Librarians (OAWAL), followed by group participation in contributing to the OAWAL resource.
Speakers include:
- Graham Stone, Information Resources Manager, University of Huddersfield
- Jill Emery, Collection Development Librarian, Portland State University
Moderated by: Jen Waller, Miami University - Ohio