This SPARC-ACRL Forum will examine how journals are making the switch to Open Access, how libraries are supporting this transition, and the implications of this evolution.
Flipping to Open: The Implications and Opportunities for
Libraries as Journals Transition to Open Access
Models for flipping journals to Open Access are an increasingly hot topic of conversation around the world. Libraries are helping to drive this change by supporting and hosting open journals, and the result of this conversation—and the potential transition to an Open Access system—will have serious implications for both the library and research communities.
This SPARC-ACRL Forum will examine how journals are making the switch to Open Access, how libraries are supporting this transition, and the implications of this evolution. Panelists will discuss the various models specific journals have used to become Open Access and how the change has affected the community around the journal. Most importantly, the forum will address the impact of this transition on libraries and what roles exist for libraries to influence the conversation and its outcomes.
Speakers include --
Emily Drabinski, Coordinator of Library Instruction at Long Island University-Brooklyn, and an Editor with Radical Teacher
David Free, Editor-In-Chief, College & Research Libraries News, & Marketing and Communications Specialist, Association of College & Research Libraries
David Solomon, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Internal Medicine/OMERAD, Michigan State University