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SPARC Open Education Forum

Open Education

Join our active community working to advance Open Education.

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Welcome to the SPARC Open Education Forum, a listserv that builds community for individuals passionate about open education. Originally established in 2013 as the SPARC Libraries & OER Forum (LibOER), the network now has over 2,000 subscribers from a variety of professional roles and institutional contexts. While most of the audience is based in U.S. and Canadian higher education, participants from all countries and sectors are welcome.

The listserv provides a dynamic space for members to connect, exchange ideas, and collaborate on projects related to open education. It offers a public email discussion list enabling individuals to engage in meaningful conversations and stay up-to-date on the latest news and trends in the field.

At the heart of the forum are four primary goals:

  • Enabling the sharing of ideas, resources, and best practices in open education
  • Supporting coordination and promotion of events and educational programming focused on open education
  • Sharing news and updates on the publication of new open textbooks and other relevant publications
  • Disseminating important information about policy, research, projects, jobs, and other news from the broader open education movement.

We believe that an engaged and diverse listserv is essential for advancing the field of open education, and we invite you to join us.

SPARC OE Forum Email Discussion List

Click the button below to subscribe to our email discussion list administered through Google Groups. You can subscribe or manage your preferences here.


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